YAY It's Friday...how happy are you?

on 9/26/08 1:49 am - Gualala, CA
Thats a great WOW moment!  Nothing like validation from your clothes that it's really happening!


on 9/26/08 2:09 pm - Jamestown, CA
I wanna houseboat!! Were do you "park"it? In the Delta? Years and years and yearsa bunch of as got together and rented a houseboat on the Delta. Wow! What a party. We all had a great time and from then on I have wanted one. Have fun...Be safe.

(deactivated member)
on 9/25/08 10:49 pm - Palmdale, CA
Good Mo rning Janine and Cali,  Thank GOD it Friday.  I am looking forward to the weekend.  It will certainly be a really busy weekend for me.  I am working 10-4 tomorrow at an event for the hospital  It is sponsored by the hospital it is a free eval for kids 17 and under for burns, spinal conditions and other related things like spina bifida, osteogenesis imperfecta, on and on.  Then on Sunday I will be at the Vitamin Shoppe for an hour helping them with anyone who comes in looking for information on Bariatrics.  Going over proteins with them as well as any vitamins.  They know what kind of Vitamins that I like and what protein that I find palatable.
Janine, the mural is absolutely beautiful.  I am so impressed.
Well, time to take Harvery (dog) for a walk.  Gosh Harvery will be moving soon.  I am going to be really really sad.  I love him to pieces.  He is my buddy.
Ha ve a great day one and all busy day for meetings.  Today.  Did I  ever tell you all that I HATE MEETINGS>
Steve J.
on 9/25/08 10:56 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Happy TGIF everybody!
ENJOY your day away from everything Janine.... you can use the change of pace girl! Give those hands some time off.

Looking forward to the weekend for sure myself and am hoping that the weather cools off some. The last two days were HOT here. If it cools down some it will be more pleasant working in the yard. Only thing on the agenda is dinner at Mom's tomorrow evening. The rest of the weekend we'll just take it as it comes!

Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a very Happy Friday Janine!


Cindy D.
on 9/25/08 11:02 pm - Fullerton, CA
RNY on 05/05/05 with
I'm glad the weekend is here.  We have a few things to do, but Bryan and I are going to make sure that we get some special time alone together.  Life has been pretty darn stressful for us, so we are both looking forward to some quailty time to just decompress.   We'll start with Disneyland tonight and then just go from there.

Have a great weekend all!

Diane C.
on 9/25/08 11:04 pm - Highland, CA
Good Morning,

I am having a hard time sleeping.  So I came down here and decided to read and post.  I am thankful it is Friday.  One reason is Doug is home all weekend, and he helps me so much around the house.  But I have to ask 500 times.  It makes things so much easier on me.  Then my sister FINALLY got her cast off and is in a walking boot.  She is complaining about that now. goodness I would just be happy to get the damn cast off.  She will be back to work on Monday, after 7 weeks off.  But she is nice and today she is treating me to a pedicure, which is badly needed.  So I will have a day for me.  Here is some news, my ortho guy is sending me to a plastic surgeon and he wants me to go before I have my shoulder redone.  I have such deformity on my right arm, that he is thinking that maybe we can get my arms done and the insurance might pay for it.  I am not excited yet about it, but it sure would be nice.  VERY NICE.  I sure am anxious to get my shoulder refixed, the pain is a real pain, and not all in my shoulder.

Well everyone have a great weekend.  As for me, it's time to just enjoy my time with Doug.  I told him we should just stay in bed on Sunday, but he is not sure he wants to watch NASCAR, oh well it is my day.  He will have to hear it no matter where he is in the house.

Hugs 2 all, Diane
Jean L.
on 9/25/08 11:30 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew

OMG Janine - the mural is absolutely awesome...I can't wait to see it all done.  I am so glad you are taking a "ME" day - you definitely deserve it.
Diane - I am so sorry that you are having the pain but I sure hope the whole PS thing works out for you - that would be so awesome to have insurance pay for that....enjoy your weekend alone with that man of yours.

As for me - not to much on the agenda for today - need to make some cards and a couple of b-day gifts.  Then tomorrow is LB COFFEE - yeah...and lunch with a friend after that.  Now Sunday I am not so sure....will just have to see where my mood takes me.

Once again - thanks for the awesome shout out Janine - you truly are the bestest when it comes to the re-caps...I know we all love it....keeps us all updated...

Well time to get a cup of java and read the paper then watch Greys Anatomy that I dvr'd last night - since I was watching Survivor..

Any Survivor fans out there? 

HAPPY TGIF to all - have a great weekend.
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/08 12:49 am - Vacaytown, HI
Im still really impressed with the mural!!!  Anyway I got cleared yesterday to go back to work starting next wednesday for 1/2 time so this is a big step for me.  wish me luck yall!!  Ive been out of the circut for several months so it will be some adjustment.  Im sure I can do it!!  Im sitting here right now drinking my lovely starbucks.  Nonfat latte as usual.  I find that it stabalizes my blood sugars very well.  So the days I do this I have a better bs day.  Wierd huh?  Milk is my magic cure.  lol  Anyway hope everyone has a great weekend!  Jess
Nicole D.
on 9/26/08 1:15 am - Lathrop, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali Crew.

Janine...I am so with you on the ignorance of some people when it comes to respecting other cultures. The Native American culture is so full of history, how could one not respect it!?!? Also your mural is absolutely beautiful, you sure are one talented lady!!

Well our adventure walk went great!! I even managed to get hubby out of bed, and we took the dog! Jade had so much fun! Her favorite thing right now is leafs, she loves how they crunch, lol. We walked about a mile, and towards the end hubby ended up having to carry Jade, she was just so tired.

So tonight I am letting my best friend take Jade for the night, so that we can go fishing in the morning, its not as relaxing taking a 2 year old fishing, lol. Anyways, I am a bit nervous about Jade spending the night somewhere, don't get me wrong, I trust my best friend very much, its just the fact of my baby not being next to me in her crib. And how she will react to mommy not being there. But I am going to try and be tough, I am sure I will be calling every half hour! lol

I hope everyone has a beautiful day! And I am sure I will be online A LOT tonight, just to try and curve the anxiety of Jade not being here, lol.

I love my RNY! Find me on myspace myspace.com/bebe_girl209 but be sure to tell me your from OH!
on 9/26/08 1:22 am - Long Beach, CA

HAPPY TGIF Janine and Cali,

Janine, your mural looks great.  So sorry that it so hard on your hands.  What a great feeling of accomplishment though when it's all done. 

I am going out for coffee tonight with some friends, and then LB coffee tomorrow morning.  Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

I hope everyone has a great weekend


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